Ocean 2030: Sustainable Development Goals and the Ocean Business Community – SOS 2016

The World Ocean Council’s Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) 2016 features a Plenary Session focusing on the SDGs and What They Mean for Ocean Industries. The global ocean business community will gather at the World Ocean Council (WOC) Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS), Rotterdam, 30 Nov-2 Dec, to advance industry leadership and collaboration in ocean sustainable development.

With the theme of “Ocean 2030: Sustainable Development Goals and the Ocean Business Community”, the SOS 2016 is the only international event to:

• Address the U.N. SDGs and their implications and opportunities for ocean industries.

• Advance development of SDG targets and indicators with and for the ocean business community.

• Move forward with a roadmap for SDGs implementation by the ocean business community.

The WOC has been the lead industry organization to:

• Consistently participate in monitoring and reporting on the SDG process for the ocean business community.

• Analyse the SDG implications and opportunities for ocean industries.

In this perspective, each session of the SOS 2016 has been framed around one or several SDG(s). This identification will lead the Ocean Business Community to have a better understanding of the links between different sectors of the maritime industry and opportunities of implementation of SDGs.

A specific Plenary Session will address SDGs, with a particular focus on SDG 8 (Promote Sustainable Economic Growth) and SDG 14 (Conserve and Sustainably Use the Ocean). This session, chaired by Christine Valentin, World Ocean Council COO, will feature the following speakers:

• John Danilovich, Secretary General, International Chamber of Commerce (invited)

– Sustainable Development and the Global Business Community

• Kirsten Schuijt, Chair, Global Ocean Program Committee, WWF (invited)

– Ocean Sustainable Development, Conservation and Business

• H.E. Bernard Fautrier, Chief Executive Officer of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (invited)

– Ocean Sustainable Development, Business and the Role of Philanthropy

• Kathrine Angell-Hansen, Director, JPI Oceans

– Joint programming on Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI Oceans) – European Priorities and Opportunities for Collaboration with the Ocean Business Community

• Seriena Bal, Heerema & Young Ocean Professionals Initiative

– WOC Young Ocean Professionals Network

• Paul Holthus, CEO, World Ocean Council

– SDGs and the Ocean: Targets and Indicators for the Ocean Business Community

Ocean industry engagement in policy developments that may affect business activities is essential to successful ocean governance. As the SDGs have the potential to significantly influence the use of marine space and resources, it is critical for the ocean business community to understand the opportunities and risks associated with the SDGs and provide leadership in implementing ocean sustainable development over the next 15 years and beyond.

Website: https://www.ilago.ovh/sustainableoceansummit/

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