Message from the Guest Editor
Dear Colleagues,
This Special Issue aims to attract scientific publications that deal with the multifaceted nature of water and promote integrated sustainable management of freshwater resources aiming at innovation in ideas, technologies, approaches, and policy adaptation. The Editors of this Special Issue are interested in research articles based on theoretical or practical analyses, conceptual articles, review articles, and case study driven analyses that link water resources to society and address natural, economic, and policy concerns. Studies and analysis of views on the assessment and mitigation of water-related problems, changes on the water cycle, especially relevant under the climate change reality, assessment of approaches and processes that aim at ensuring viability of the water resources (physical, social, and economic), risk and uncertainty assessment, as well as topics situated within the policy frameworks and initiatives at global and/or EU level linked to the sustainable management of water resources are particularly welcomed.
Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri
G u e s t E dit o r
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