PRESS RELEASE | Water Academy on Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Water Management in Greece

On the 22nd of July 2022, the Water Academy workshop with the title: “Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Water Management in Greece” took place at the Marathon Dam in Greece as part of the Cross-KIC project Finding innovative solutions for water scarcity in Southern Europe co-organized by the Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) at ATHENA RC and EIT Climate-KIC in partnership with EYDAP SA (Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company). It is one of the three Water Academy workshops taking place this 2022. The first one, the water reuse workshop on use of reclaimed water in agriculture in Malaga, Spain, took place on the 6th of July; and the third Water Academy workshop on Water Efficiency in Manufacturing Industries will be held on the 14th of October at TU Delft, Netherlands.

The workshop held at the Marathon Dam on July 22nd, 2022 intended to increase the competencies and skills of the audience to advance the understanding and integration of NBS in urban water management. It was a multi-disciplinary event with high-profile speakers who provided practical insights on the most relevant topics for NBS, such as the role of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, socio-economic aspects, best practices, protection and restoration of environment services in a water catchment, adequate technologies for water reclamation, risk management and practical recommendations for water resources managers.  The workshop also included virtual guidance to the Marathon Dam and a visit to the Museum of Water, which includes tools and machinery used in the construction of the Dam. The dam is famous for being the first recorded occurrence of seismic activity related to reservoir inundation, as well as its importance in Greece’s industrialization.


Mrs Lydia Papadaki (Co-Manager EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece); Mr Anastasios Tosios (Deputy CEO & Executive Member of the Board of Directors at EYDAP SA); and Mr Costas Ripis (Deputy Director of Training and Research at EYDAP SA) welcomed the participants introducing the goals of the Water Academy, the challenge of Water Scarcity and the alignment of the Academy with the objectives of EYDAP SA.

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri (Athens University of Economics and Business, Sustainable Development Unit and EIT Climate-KIC Greece Hub, ATHENA RC; Department of Technology, Management and Economics, Denmark Technical University) analyzed the importance of water innovation and management in fighting world crises. She discussed the International, European and National Framework targeting the water scarcity and the better use of water and discussed several EU-funded projects and methodologies providing feasible solutions to this cross-boundary challenge.

Prof. Chrysi Laspidou (Civil Engineering Department, University of Thessaly; Vice-President of Research and Technology-Water Europe, Brussels) gave a speech focusing on the “Hybrid grey-green infrastructures in Water Management”. She aimed to provide an overview of hybrid grey-green water infrastructure, to inspire, inform, and give recommendations to bridge the knowledge gap on green water infrastructure. The advantages and sustainable design of the solutions were discussed and the new paradigm that would mainstream Nature-Based Solutions in community planning were presented.


Finally, the participants had the opportunity to learn more about the construction of the Marathon Dam and visit the museum with the tools used to build it. The Water Academy was attended by 20 people, experts, and non-experts in the field, interested to learn more about the topic and seeking to transfer knowledge in their institutions.

Read the Press Release here


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