Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, Editorial Board Member of the Research Journal of Environmental Sciences

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri (ICRE8, AUEB, LSE), ICRE8 Scientific Director, accepted the invitation to become Editorial Board Member of the Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, Published by Science Alert.

The Research Journal of Environmental Sciences is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to publish cutting edge research findings in the field of environmental sciences. Scope of the journal includes: Environmental chemistry, environmental biology, ecology, geo-sciences and environmental physics, basic and applied research on atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic environments, pollution control and abatement technology, conservation of natural resources, environmental health and toxicology.  It has already been indexed by ASCI Database, CAB Abstract, CAB Direct, Environmental Impact, Environmental Science Database, Global Health, Google Scholar, ISI Web of Knowledge, Plant Growth Regulator Abstract, Plant Genetics and Breeding Database, ProQuest, Chemical Abstract Services, and Cambridge Scientific Abstract.

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