Prof. Phoebe Koundouri’s Lecture at I.S.E.O. Summer School in Economics 2023 | Iseo, Italy

On Thursday, June 8th, Professor Phoebe Koundouri was invited to give a lecture in the 19th edition of the I.S.E.O. Summer School in Economics held in Iseo, Italy. The I.S.E.O Summer School is a renowned international summer course that focuses on current economic discussions. The theme of the 19th edition was “The World After: Challenges ahead for the Global Economy.” This edition aimed to explore the various challenges, both opportunities and threats, that the world’s economies are currently facing and will continue to face in the aftermath of significant events such as the pandemic and geopolitical tensions arising from the conflict in Ukraine.

Prof. Koundouri delivered a lecture titled “Quantification, Assessment and Monitoring for a Science-based and Innovation-driven Sustainability Transformation” to an audience consisting of 70 graduate and postgraduate students in Economics from around the world.

During her lecture prof. Koundouri argued that the transformation to a sustainable world needs to be science-and-innovation-driven and she introduced research projects, innovation accelerators, and science-policy interface institutions and networks, collaborating under the Alliance of Excellence for Research & Innovation on Aephoria -AE4RIA, which empower the development of the national and international transition pathways to sustainability. Special emphasis was given to the research carried out in the SDSN Global Climate Hub, which connects energy modelling and land use modelling to develop national climate neutrality and resilience pathways while supporting these pathways with the relevant socio-economic narrative. Prof. Koundouri emphasized the need to quantify, monetize, and integrate natural capital considerations into sustainable investment processes and showcase an AI-based platform for ecosystem-services valuation via benefits-transfer valuation approach, to assign economic values to natural capital across the 14 biogeographical and marine areas of Europe.

The Summer School was graced by a distinguished panel of speakers, including multiple Nobel Laureates in Economics, as well as renowned international economists. The esteemed list of lecturers comprised:

  • David CARD, Nobel Laureate in Economics 2021, professor of Economics and director of the Centre for Labour Economics at Berkeley University;
  • Michael SPENCE, Nobel Laureate in Economics 2001, Professor Emeritus, Stanford Business School and Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford;
  • Sergei GURIEV, provost and professor of Economics at Sciences Po University, leader of the Research and Policy Network on Populism at CEPR, former rector of the New Economic School in Moscow;
  • Ekaterina ZHURAVSKAYA, professor of Political Economy at Paris School of Economics;
  • Valentina BOSETTI, professor of Climate Economics at Bocconi University;
  • Phoebe KOUNDOURI, professor of Economics at Athens University of Economics and Business and at Denmark University, president of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists;
  • Robert WESCOTT, president of Keybridge Research and former economic advisor to US President Clinton at the White house;
  • Lucas CHANCEL, professor at Sciences Po and Paris School of Economics.

For more information about the I.S.E.O. Summer School, please visit their website.

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