Reconnect project | finalist for the Natura 2000 Awards

We couldn’t be happier!

Our RECONNECT (Regional cooperation for the transnational ecosystem sustainable development) research project  is one of the three finalists for the Natura 2000 Awards at the category “Marine Conservation”.

You can vote for your favourite projects until April 27 here

The project with the highest number of votes will receive the European Citizens’ Award!

The overall objective of RECONNECT was to promote efficient management of natural systems which will enhance the competence of local management authorities through the development of a multidisciplinary Decision Support System (DSS). The new transnational holistic approach which was developed, changes the current protection strategies in the Balkan-Mediterranean area promoting more efficient and accurate management practices. The main outputs of the RECONNECT project provide information concerning habitat attributes, as well as the essential biodiversity, socio-economic and cultural variables, which will be freely available as tools through a web-based platform.

Learn more about the project here 


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