Regional Growth Conference 2021

Regional Growth Conference 2021 Conference Program

JUNE 3-5, 2021

The 9th edition of the Regional Growth Conference took place on June 3-5, 2021 in Patras, at the Achaia Clauss, a Historical and the oldest Winery of Greece. The RGC 2021 comprised sessions with both physical and digital presence, workshops and one-to-one discussion, featuring a three-day livestream for free and made them available to the general public.


Professor Koundouri as co-chair of SDSN Greece & Europe and Director of EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece co-organised & participated in 5 sessions.


  • “Perspectives on Covid Recovery: UN SDSN Report, Lancet Commission on Covid-19 & the 10-Year Recovery Plan for Greece”
  • “Sustainable Funding and Investments: Priorities/ European Policies”, Content Partner: UN SDSN Europe
  • “Sustainability and Impact Investing”
  • “Climate Crisis & Sustainable Growth”, Scientific Associate: Climate-KIC Hub Greece
  • BROADCASTING OF “THE BLUE ECONOMY & SUSTAINABLE TOURISM” (side event) In association with the Athens Circular Forum & Sporos Platform




16:40 – 17:40     SESSION 3

Perspectives on Covid Recovery: UN SDSN Report, Lancet Commission on Covid-19 & the 10-Year Recovery Plan for Greece


Theodoros Skylakakis, Alternate Minister of Finance (v)

Jeffrey D. Sachs, Professor & Director, Centre for Sustainable Development, Columbia University (v)

Vitor Gaspar, Director, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF (v)

Phoebe Koundouri, Prof. Athens University of Economics & Business, President EAERE, Fellow World Academy of Art & Science, Chair UN SDSN Europe (v)


Moderator: Christos Konstas, Financial Editor at Ethos Media &


Watch the session on YouTube:





09:00 -10:00       SESSION 6

Sustainable Funding and Investments: Priorities/ European Policies


Content Partner: UN SDSN Europe


Philip Owen, Head of Unit in DG Clima (v)

Phoebe Koundouri, Prof. Athens University of Economics & Business, President EAERE, Fellow World Academy of Art & Science, Chair UN SDSN Europe (v)

Ketan Patel, co-founder and CEO, Greater Pacific Capital (v)

Dr. Nikitas Pittis, Chief Economist of AssetWise Capital Management (v)

Debora Revoltella, Chief Economist, European Investment Bank (v)


Moderator: Ilias Palialexis, Journalist, Athens News Agency


Watch on YouTube: 



12:00 – 13:30     SESSION 9

Sustainability and Impact Investing

The term “impact investing” refers to investments in companies and organisations making an impact. Impact investing is currently an international trend, aiming at ensuring a positive social or environmental footprint, as well as financial performance. Impact investing allows companies and organisations to upgrade their profiles and their corporate responsibility. This session aims to inform attendees and the general public about impact investing and the significance of the “moral aspect” of entrepreneurship for addressing international social and environmental issues.


Eleni Andreadi, Director of Sustainability for the Sani/Ikos Group (v)

Stefan Brunnhuber, Board of Trustee, World Academy of Arts and Science (v)

Andrei Geica, Co-founder, Partner, Impact & Policy, Sporos Platform

Kostis Tselenis, Founder & President, Hellenic Impact Investing Network; MP, swiss impact office

Vasilis Rallis, Co-Founder and President Europe EarthIndex (v)

Yiannis Georgakellos, Communication & Corporate Affairs Director, Athenian Brewery (v)

Savvas Peltekis, Managing Director TÜV HELLAS (TÜV NORD) & Executive VP Process Technology TÜV NORD Industrial Services


Moderator: Phoebe Koundouri, Prof. Athens University of Economics & Business, President EAERE, Fellow World Academy of Art & Science, Chair UN SDSN Europe (v)


 Watch on YouTube:




09:00 – 10:10     SESSION 21

Climate Crisis & Sustainable Growth

The term “climate crisis” is currently used to express the necessity for change in the existing production and consumption model. The term “crisis” has now replaced the term “change” in order to highlight the current situation for the environment and the impact of human activity on it. As the dominant “business as usual” model leads us to an economic, social and ecological impasse, the adoption of a new, holistic model of action is imperative. The sustainable growth model is a different approach to human activity and its relationship with the environment and people. Sustainable growth ranks high on the public dialogue agenda, especially during this decade, 2020-2030, the so-called “decade of action”. The state, the private sector and citizens are all asked to act immediately and in accordance with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, in order to take the necessary steps towards the gradual adoption of this new model.


Scientific Associate: Climate-KIC


Ambassador Sergio Piazzi, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (v)

Panagiotis Dimopoulos, Prof. & Vice Rector, Research & Development, University of Patras, President, Natura 2000 National Committee

Demetres Karavellas, Director, WWF Greece (v)

Phoebe Koundouri, Prof. Athens University of Economics & Business, President EAERE, Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science, Chair UN SDSN Europe (v)

Peter Schmidt, President of the NAT Section, European Economic and Social Committee (v)

Christos Zerefos, Secretary General, Academy of Athens; Climate Envoy for Greece (v)


Moderator: Sara Siampli, Journalist, MEGA TV

Watch on YouTube in English:

Watch on YouTube in Greek:








In association with the Athens Circular Forum & Sporos Platform


Moderator: Prof. Maria Lekakou, Dean of the University of the Aegean

Setting the Blue Growth Agenda


George Vernicos, President of ESC, General Secretary of SETE

A resilient Maritime Tourism sector post-COVID19 Pandemic


Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, Athens University of Economics and Business; Fellow World Academy of Art and Science; President-Elect of the EAERE; Director of Sustainable Development Unit and EIT Climate- KIC Hub Greece, Athena RC; Co-chair UN SDSN Europe

Presentation of ClimAccelerator – EIT Accelerator for the Maritime sector


Eleni Polychronopoulou, President of HEMEXPO

Maritime Equipment: Circular Remanufacturing boosting exports & jobs


Suzanna Laskaridis, Director, Laskaridis Shipping – Founder, BlueCycle,

How sea protection can drive local value creation


 Watch it on YouTube in Greek  here



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