Research and Policy Reports

Trippl, M., Soete, L., Schwaag Serger, S., Koundouri, P., & Pontikakis, D. (2024). Addressing the regional dimension of open strategic autonomy and European green industrial policy: New perspectives and pathways for impact. Publications Office of the European Union.

Guillaume Lafortune, Grayson Fuller, Adolf Kloke-Lesch, Phoebe Koundouri and Angelo Riccaboni (2024). European Elections, Europe’s Future and the SDGs: Europe Sustainable Development Report 2023/24. Paris: SDSN and SDSN Europe and Dublin: Dublin University Press, 

Koundouri, P., Dellis, K., Plataniotis A., (2023) The Green Transformation of Europe: challenges, opportunities, and the way forward. ELIAMEP, European Economy Policy Briefs #1/2023. Available here

Koundouri, P., et al. (2023) Modelling Net Zero Pathways, SDSN Global Climate Hub. Available:

Koundouri, P., Landis, C., Toli, E., Papanikolaou, K., Slamari, M., Epicoco, G., Hui C., Arnold, R., Moccia, S. (2023). Twin Skills for the Twin Transition: Defining Green & Digital Skills and Jobs. December 2023, AE4RIA, ATHENA Research Centre, Sustainable Development Unit. Available:

Koundouri, P., Anquetil-Deck, C., Becchetti, L., Berthet, E., Borghesi, S., Cavalli, L., Chioatto, E., Cruickshank, E., Devves, S., Dibattista, I., Fusacchia, I., Giovannini, E., Halkos, G., Hansmeyer, C., Landis, C., Mazzarano, M., Papa, C., Patel, K., Plataniotis, A., Salustri, F., Tiwari, M.M., (2023) Transforming Our World: Interdisciplinary Insights on the Sustainable Development Goals, SDSN European Green Deal Senior Working Group. Available:

European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Naujokaitytė, R., Mačiulienė, M., Stančiauskas, V. et al., Evaluation study on the implementation of cross-cutting issues in Horizon 2020 – Study in support of the ex-post evaluation of the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, Dirham, S.(editor), Publications Office of the European Union, 2023,

Plataniotis, A., Koundouri, P., Stratopoulou, A., Rindorf, A., Jacobsen, N. S., Brown, E., Bastardie, F., Savina Rolland, M., Maroño, S. S., Andres, M., Garcia, D., Uhlmann, S., Reid, D., Romagnoni, G., Spedicato, M. T., Lembo, G., Bitetto, I., Liontakis, A., Vassilopoulou, C., … Binch, L. (2022). SEAwise Report on the Key Social and Economic Aspects of Regional Fisheries.

Lafortune, G., Fuller, G., Bermont Diaz, L., Kloke-Lesch, A., Koundouri, P., Riccaboni, A. (2022). Achieving the SDGs: Europe’s Compass in a Multipolar World. Europe Sustainable Development Report 2022. SDSN and SDSN Europe. France: Paris. Available here

Koundouri P, Cox A, Malik A, Groom B, O’Callaghan B, Hepburn C, Kilelu C, Lins C, Squires D, Somanathan E, Serageldin I, Anto J, Patel K, Brosbol K, Kamal-Chaoui L, Galvão LA, Lenzen M, Zhu M, Ferroukhi R, Carson R, Brunnhuber S, Zachariadis T, Sterner T, Makhaya G, Freeman M, Hansmeyer C, Landis CFM, Paremoer T, Plataniotis A, Barredo LM, Joshi N. The Lancet COVID-19 Commission Task Force on Green Recovery Final Statement. New York: The Lancet COVID-19 Commission, 2022. Available here

Koundouri, P., Laspidou, C., Landis, C., Plataniotis, A. Kaptsikas, A., Kanellopoulou, T., Kasiolas, V., Zacharatos, T., (2022). The progress of the Greek Regions in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Sustainable Development Solutions Network -SDSN Greece. Available here

Alamanos, A., Koundouri, P., Pliakou, T., Toli, E., & Papadaki, L. (2022). Project summary, analysis of results and proposals – Final Report. Deliverable of the Project of the Athenian Brewery “Water For Tomorrow”. Includes Supplementary Material – Appendices, and Project Minutes reports. (78p.). July 2022. (in Greek). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31954.22721

Alamanos A., Koundouri, P., Pliakou, T., Toli, E. & Papadaki, L. (2022). Detailed description of the condition of Water Bodies of the Basin District of Thessaly. Report under the Project of the Athenian Brewery “Water for Tomorrow”. (20p.) April 2022 (in Greek).

Alamanos, A., Koundouri, P. (2022). Economics of Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Water Resource Planning and Management. Working Report, Athens University of Economics and Business. March 2022.

Alamanos A., Pliakou, T., Tritopoulou, E., Koundouri, P. & Papadaki, L. (2021). Water Resources Management and the situation of the Water District of Thessaly. Report of the Project of the Athenian Brewery “Water for Tomorrow”. February, 2021 (87p.) (in Greek).   DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26921.06244

Koundouri, P., et al., 2022. Financing the Joint Implementation of Agenda 2030 and the European Green Deal. 2nd Report of the SDSN Senior Working Group on the European Green Deal. Available:

Sachs, J., Koundouri, P., et al., 2021. Transformations for the Joint Implementation of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the European Green Deal – A Green and Digital, Job-Based and Inclusive Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Report of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Available:

Statement of The Lancet COVID-19 Commission Task Force on Green Recovery (March 2021). “Transforming Recovery into a Green Future“. Available:

The Lancet COVID-19 Commissioners, Task Force Chairs and Members, and Commission Secretariat (2021). “Enhancing Global Cooperation to End the COVID-19 Pandemic” STATEMENT OF THE LANCET COVID-19 COMMISSION the Second Statement at:

Alamanos, A., Pliakou, T., Tritopoulou E., Koundouri, P., Papadaki, L., 2021 Initial Report on Water Resources Management and the situation of the Water District of Thessaly (Project: Water For Tomorrow|  Athenian Brewery) here

Opinion | NAT/815 New EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change. Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment. Rapporteur: Dimitris DIMITRIADIS, Co-rapporteur: Kęstutis KUPŠYS, Expert for the rapporteur Phoebe KOUNDOURI. (02/2021). Available here

The Lancet COVID-19 Commissioners, Task Force Chairs, and Commission Secretariat (2020). Lancet COVID-19 Commission Statement on the occasion of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly Commission Statement, The Lancet. Available at:

ΕΚΘΕΣΗ: «Σχέδιο Ανάπτυξης για την Ελληνική Οικονομία»  14/11/2020. Επιτροπή:  Χριστόφορος Πισσαρίδης, Πρόεδρος; Καθηγητής, London School of Economics και Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου; Βραβείο Nobel Οικονομικών 2010, Δημήτρης Βαγιανός Καθηγητής, London School of Economics, Νίκος Βέττας, Αναπληρωτής Πρόεδρος;Καθηγητής, Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών;Γενικός Διευθυντής, Ίδρυμα Οικονομικών και Βιομηχανικών Ερευνών, Κώστας Μεγήρ Καθηγητής, Yale University. Στη συγγραφή της Έκθεσης συμμετείχε η Φοίβη Κουντούρη,  Καθηγήτρια, Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών. (Pissarides Report: “Strategic directions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan”)

Phoebe Koundouri (contributing author). Magand, C., Alves, M. H., Calleja, E., Datry, T., Dörflinger, G., England, J., Gallart, F., Gómez, R., Jorda-Capdevila, D., Marti, E., Munne, A., Pastor, V. A., Stubbington, R., Tziortzis, I. and Von Schiller, D., 2020, Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams: What water managers need to know, Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams (SMIRES), Technical report – Cost ACTION CA 15113. 5281/zenodo.3888474 Available:      

European Union, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Expert for the Opinion: “Financing the transition to a low-carbon economy and challenges in financing climate change adaptation (NAT/778)”, 2020.

European Climate Pact. Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment Rapporteur: Dimitris Dimitriadis (EL-I), Co-rapporteur: Peter Schmidt (DE-II), Expert: Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri. | NAT/785  (07/2020).

Sebastian, T., Lendering, K., van Loon-Steensma, J., Paprotny, D., Bellamy, R., Willems, P., van Loenhout, J., Colaço, C., Dias, S., Nunes, L., Rego, F., Koundouri, P., Xepapadeas, P., Vassilopoulos, A., Wiktor, P., & Wysocka-Golec, J. (2017). A Testing and Implementation Framework (TIF) for Climate Adaptation Innovations: Initial Version of the TIF – Deliverable 5.1. Delft University of Technology. Available here

OECD (2016), Improving Economic Instruments for Water Resources Management in the Republic of Buryatia (Lake Baikal Basin), OECD Publishing, Paris. Pages 140. ISBN: 9789264266452 (PDF); 9789264266292 (print) DOI:

MERMAID Project Consortium 2014: Report on Stakeholder views on Marine Strategy Framework Directive.—PU/

MERMAID Project Consortium 2014: Report on Site-specific impact of policies: identification, impact and selection of planning and design options in study sites with implication for policies and regulations, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

GLOBAQUA Project Consortium 2014: Report on the development of an integrated methodology for the sustainable environmental and socioeconomic management of freshwater ecosystem services

GLOBAQUA Project Consortium 2014: Report on the Assessment of the importance of freshwater ecosystem services to the economy and socio-economic development of the GARBs under the status quo

World Water Council Project, Water Energy Nexus, Phoebe Koundouri, Osiel Davila and Ban Groom, 2014: 

  • Report on Water and Green Growth: Australia
  • Report on Water and Green Growth: Egypt
  • Report on Water and Green Growth: China

Report to the Government of Jordan, Phoebe Koundouri, Nikos Kourogenis, Chrysoula Karadima, 2014: Report on Social Costs Benefit Analysis for Water Management options in the Kingdom of Jordan.

European Office of Cyprus Newsletter, Issue 81, January 2014. Reference to P.Koundouri’s work on OpenAIRE Sustainability Plan: Technical Specifications of the Tender for Sustainability Model and Business Plan for the Infrastructure and Organisation of OpenAIRE. European Commission, DG Research. Coordinator: Phoebe Koundouri, AUEB-RC (RESEES)

Roseta Palma, C., and Koundouri, P. Environmental and Resource Economics. Energy and Environmental Management Magazine, Ten Alps Publishing. Winter Issue, 2014.

Pulido Velazquez, J. Sauer, P Koundouri, A. Allan, B. Klove. The Economics of Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems: Results from GENESIS European Project. European Association and Environmental Economists Newsletter, June, 2013.

Koundouri, P. Multi-purpose Offshore Platforms in Greece. Athens University of Economics and Business, Energy and Sustainability Club Newsletter, Oct. 2013

MERMAID Project Consortium 2013: Report on Site specific conditions: the Marine Strategy Framework Directive implemented on North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean 

Project on The Economic Value of Groundwater, February 2012. The UK Environment Agency, Science Report:

MERMAID Project Consortium 2012: Report on Inventory, legislation and policies on Marine Strategy Framework Directive.—PU/

Koundouri, P., and Remoundou, K., 2011. Economic Valuation of the effects of Climate Change on Greek Fisheries and Aquaculture and Adaptation Measures. Included in the Bank of Greece Report on Climate Change. My Report:Οικον.Αποτ.των%20Επιπτ.της%20κλ.αλλαγης%20στην%20Αλιεια.pdf

Working Group on Economic and Social Assessment. European Commission. Economic and Social Analysis for the Initial Assessment for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive: A Guidance Document. December 2010.

The Implementation of the Economic Aspects of Article 11 of the Water Framework Directive in Cyprus. 2009-2010. Funded by the Cyprus Ministry of Agricultural, Natural Resources and the Environment, The Government of Cyprus.

Bots, PWG, Daniell, KA, Dionnet, M, Jamin, J-Y, Koundouri, P & Maraux. F 2008. Report: Design and application of virtual and real tests – general framework, comparison and insights gained, D5.3-3, AquaStress IP, FP6, Europe. Available here

E. Moors, M. Manez, I. van den Wyngaert, M. Bauer, D. Inman, et al.. Aquastress D2.2.3 – Keyresearch priorities for and major knowledge gaps in Water Stress mitigation. irstea. 2008, pp.28.hal-02591765

A Methodology for Valuing the Total Economic Value of Water for Industry and Tourism. 2008. Funded by the Greek Ministry of Development, Greek Government.

Loubier, S.,  Hammani, A.Mailhol, J.C.Preziosi, E. ,Inman, D.,Van Den Wyngaert, I.Moors, E.Koundouri, P.,Tarnacki, K., 2007. Aquastress D2.2.2 – State of water stress in different sectors in the test sites areas and current strategies to cope with water stress: Tadla test site – Morocco. HAL Id : hal-02589558, version 1 IRSTEA : PUB00022498. Available here

C. Sullivan M. Manez S. Schmidt E. MoorsE. PreziosiS. LoubierD. InmanK. TarnackiI. van den WyngaertA. OlsthoornJ. FröbrichB. Blümling P. KoundouriS. Panebianco A. GiacomelloD. Günther David Leonard Jones., 2007. Report on indicators for water stress. AquaStress D2.1.3 – Final report. irstea. 2007, pp.81. ⟨hal-02588928⟩. Available here

The Implementation of the Economic Aspects of Article 5 of the Water Framework Directive in Greece. 2007-2008. Funded by the Greek Ministry of Environment and Public Works, Special Secretariat for Water, Greek Government.

Foster, S., Koundouri, P., Tuinhof, A., Kemper, K., Nanni, N., Garduño, H., 2002-2006, Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems: the challenge of balanced assessment and adequate conservation. GW.MATE Briefing Notes Series, Note 15. Washington, DC: World Bank.  Available  here Downloadable from GW-MATE briefing notes:

Econometric Estimation of Preferences with regards to the Use of Renewable Energy Sources. European Commission, Directorate General Research, INTERREG MEDOCC ΕΜΕRGΕΝCΕ 2010 (2006-2008). (Contract Number: 934104000)

Garduño, H., Foster, S., Nanni, N., Kemper, K., Tuinhof, A., Koundouri, P., 2006, Groundwater Dimensions of National Water Resource and River Basin Planning: promoting an integrated strategy. GW Mate Briefing Note series ; No. 10. Washington, DC: World Bank., Downloadable from GW-MATE briefing notes: Available here

M. Manez, D. Inman, S. Schmidt, K. Tarnacki, E. Preziosi, P. Koundouri, S. Loubier, C. Sullivan, S. Panebianco, I. van den Wyngaert, et al. 2006. Report on current state of the art and major knowledge gaps to characterize water stress in different sectors. Aquastress D2.1.2 – Final report. irstea. 2006, pp.36. ffhal-02588927. Available here

S. Schmidt, D. Inman, E. Preziosi, S. Loubier, K. Tarnacki, M. Manez, I. vanden Wyngaert, P. Koundouri, E. Moors, A. Olsthoorn. 2006. Integrated water balance models for water stress. Mitigation of Water Stress through new Approaches to Integrating Management, Technical, Economic and Institutional Instruments Aquastress D2.3.1 – Final Report. irstea. 2006, pp.42. ffhal-02588929f. Available here 

Foster, Stephen; Tuinhof, Albert; Garduno, Hector; Kemper, Karin; Koundouri, Phoebe; Nanni, Marcella. 2006. Groundwater resource development in minor aquifers : management strategy for village and small town water supply (English). GW Mate briefing note series ; no. 13 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group. Available here

Koundouri, P., 2006. ‘The impact of REACH on the environment and human health’ Report to DG Environment, European Commission, EN.C.3/SER/2004/0042r, August, 2005-2006 (with Finn Pedersen, Lise Samsoe-Petersen, Kim Gustavson, Lena Hoglund, David Pearce).

Ben Groom, Thomas Guille, Phoebe Koundouri, Ioannis Kountouris, Marianna Mousouslides, et al. 2006. Review of water pricing policies and the issues of political economy that surround the implementation of water pricing policies. [Contract] FP6 – 511231-D3.5-1, 2006. ⟨hal-02820379⟩

Guille T., P. Koundouri , I. Kountouris, K. Mavrogenis, T. Mavrogenis, M. Mousoulides, P. Nikitas, L. Nocentini, J.P. Terreaux, N. Vlachakis, 2006, Review on the experience of economic instruments for water stress mitigation, Aquastress E.U. Project, Deliverable 3.6.1, 66 p. Available here

Foster,James Stephen, Garduno,Hector Kemper,Karin Erika, Koundouri,Phoebe, Nannin, Marcella, Tuinhof,Albert 2006. Natural groundwater quality hazards : avoiding problems and formulating mitigation strategies (English). GW Mate Briefing Note series ; no. 14 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group. Available here

F Pedersen, L Samsøe-Petersen, K Gustavson, L Höglund, P Koundouri, D Pearce. 2005. The impact of REACH on the environment and human health. Report by DHI, Water and Environment for the European Commission, Directorate General Environment. Available

Koundour, P., 2005. ‘The Economics of Arsenic Mitigation’. In Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in South and East Asian Countries: World Bank, Volume II Technical Report, Paper 4, 202-264.

Pearce, D., Koundouri, P., 2003. The Social Cost of Chemicals: The Cost and Benefits of Future Chemicals Policy in the European Union. A Report for WWF-UK. Downloadable from Indicative Samples of Media Attention:

Koundouri, P., 2003. Residential Stamp Duty: Time for a Change. CML (Council of Mortgage Lenders)|Research Publications. (with Mark Andrew, Alan Evans and Geoffrey Meen). ISBN: 187242399X. Indicative Samples of Media Attention:

Groom, B.; Koundouri, P.; Nauges, C.; Thomas, A.; (2003) Irrigation water management under risk: an application to Cyprus. (CSERGE Publications ). Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment (CSERGE): London, UK Available at:

WORLD BANK MISSION: Water Pricing and Management in Urban China: Welfare Implications; funded by the World Bank, 2003-2004.


WORLD BANK MISSION: Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation Water Supply Project: Water Tariffication Re-structuring in Rural Bangladesh. July 2003. (Relevant report is available upon request from World Bank Head-Quarters).

WORLD BANK MISSION: The significance of subsidized electric energy tariffs on the behavior of groundwater users for agriculture in India in general and in Rajasthan in particular (within the context of the implementation of the Bank financed RSWSR Project and as a Member of the World Bank Groundwater Management Advisory Team (GW·MATE)). November 2003.

Koundouri, P., 2002. A Social Time Preference Rate for Use in Long-term Discounting.  Report to The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Department for Transport and Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (with Ben Groom, Cameron Hepburn, David Pearce, Robin Smale), OXERA Consulting Ltd.

WORLD BANK: WRM (Water Resource Management) Group on Economic Incentives, World Bank; initiated in 2002. This web address can be used for downloading the short paper by Pearce, D. and P. Koundouri on  ‘Fertiliser and Pesticide Taxes for Controlling Non-Point Agricultural Pollution’.

Koundouri, P., 2002. European Water Management between Regulation and Competition: The case of Ireland. Report to EU DGXII, 5th Framework Program ‘Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development’ (with Katerina Mantzou and Marianna Mousoulides).

Groom, B., Koundouri, P., and Swanson, P (2001). Integrated water management in Cyprus: economic and institutional foundations, Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment (CSERGE) Research Report prepared for the European Commission. Published as: Groom, B., Koundouri, P., and Swanson, P., 2001. ‘Integrated Water Management in Cyprus: Economic and Institutional Foundations’. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 

Koundouri, P., 2000. Integrated Water Management in Cyprus: Institutional and Economic Foundations. Research Report prepared for the European Commission (with Ben Groom and Timothy Swanson). Published as: Groom, B., Koundouri, P., and Swanson, P., 2001. ‘Integrated Water Management in Cyprus: Economic and Institutional Foundations’. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

EU Research Program, (Scientific Coordinator), ‘Water and Conflict: Water management in Cyprus’, 1999-2003, 250,000 Euro.