Retina Year Zero 2022 | Ideas for a brand new world

On Wednesday, October 26, Retina, the digital vertical on Prisa trends, held an event focused on the dramatic and ongoing transformation the world is experiencing since the Covid pandemic. Under the title of Retina, Year Zero, and with the motto “Ideas for a brand new world”, the conference proposed “a critical reflection on some of the levers that seem to be going to define the new world”.

The discussion proposal included international world-class experts and national experts and speakers from different institutions. They proposed what the axes of transformation will be and the discussion panels analyzed the impact on organizations of these revolutionary actors of technology or digitization.

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri gave a keynote speech on “Climate emergency and Green New Deal“. Prof. Koundouri spoke about the multiple crisis we are facing simultaneously (the covid crisis, the economic recession together with inflation crisis, the climate change crisis, the biodiversity collapse crisis) and how we can escape these.

Among the international researchers, Phoebe Koundouri, professor at the School of Economics and director of the ReSEES Research Laboratory at the University of Athens (Greece), author Mark O’Connell (author of books such as How to be a machine Y revelation notes) and the British journalist and author Aaron Bastani (author of Fully automated luxury communism) or Oxford postdoctoral researcher Lulu P Shi. The meeting was also attended by the General Manager for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Juana López, the Digital Manager of Telefónica, Chema Alonso, the philosopher and researcher Clara Serra, the founder of Bioo (a project to produce electricity through plants) , Pablo Vidarte, or the director of Retina, Jaime García Cantero.

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