SDSN | Highlights September 2017

Welcome to SDSN’s September 2017 Newsletter!

September Events Roundup
On the occasion of the annual general debate of the 72nd United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), SDSN organized events focusing on the practicalities of implementing the Paris Climate Agreement and achieving the SDGs. The events were attended by Heads of State, UN ambassadors, industry leaders, scientists, civil society, and students.
New SDSN Networks in Action Report
SDSN launched a report showcasing the array of solutions and initiatives led by our national and regional networks. The report presents each of SDSN’s 21 active networks, and includes an introductory essay on the role of universities in achieving the SDGs. The report was delivered to the Secretary-General on 17 September, 2017.
Launch of “Counting on the World”
SDSN’s Thematic Research Network on Data and Statistics (TReNDS) published a new report on partnership-driven modern statistical systems. The report examines the types of data needed to achieve the SDGs, and identifies the urgent changes needed to build data architectures capable of responding to the increasing demand for high-quality, disaggregated and geo-referenced data.
New Globalization Course Launching on 30 October
In this four-part mini-series from the SDG Academy, Professor Jeffrey Sachs argues that globalization is not a new-age fad – we have always been a globalized world. He takes students on a historical and anthropological tour of six distinct waves of globalization, and outlines the key factors that drove innovation, technology dispersal, and development during these times. Enroll today!
How Universities Can Accelerate Action on the SDGs
SDSN Australia/Pacific launched a guide to help universities, higher education institutions, and academicians to fast-track their contributions towards the SDGs. Drawing on case studies from Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific, the guide highlights the important role universities have in implementing the SDGs through their teaching, research, operations and leadership. It provides practical guidance and examples to inspire action.


SDSN in the Media 

Patricia EspinosaClimate Action Makes Business Sense, Business and Climate Summit in New Delhi, UN India – 31 August, 2017

Klaus LeisingerAre there moral limits to science?,  Badische Zeitung – 2 September, 2017 (in German)

Jeffrey Sachs: Land and the SDGs, The Land Portal – 6 September, 2017

Aromar Revi et al.The intent to reside in: The Routledge Companion to Planning in the Global South, Gautam Bhan, Smita Srinivas, Vanessa Watson (eds.) – 11 September, 2017

Patricia EspinosaParis Agreement goals can’t be achieved unless everybody takes part, The Economic Times – 11 September, 2017

Amina J. Mohammed: World Leaders for Universal Health Coverage, UN Web TV – 18 September, 2017

Amina J. Mohammed The SDGs in Action – Country-led, Country-owned, UN Web TV – 21 September, 2017

Jesse Coleman and Kaitlin CordesNot So Sweet: Tanzania Confronts Arbitration over Large-Scale Sugarcane and Ethanol Project, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment – 21 September, 2017

Siamak Sam Loni: Australia ranks 26th on global sustainability index – Huffington Post – 26 September, 2017

Claude Nahon“So, I Tried a Decentralized Solar Solution”, SDSN Blog – 29 September, 2017

Upcoming SDSN Events 

Inequalities in the SDGs: Monitoring and Policies for the Way Forward
16 October | New York, USA

Low-Emissions Solutions Conference at COP23
13 November | Bonn, Germany

View full list of events

Other News and Events 

  • SDSN’s global network is invited to provide input to the 2019 Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR). This report is meant to strengthen the science-policy interface and provide a strong evidence-based instrument to support policymakers in promoting poverty eradication and sustainable development.
  • SDSN Greece launched as the 23rd network in SDSN’s global networks program, adding to a wide array of coverage in the Mediterranean region.
  • SDSN member Gaia Education started an online program, Design for Sustainability, to certify students as Designers of Sustainable Development. Register now to receive a bonus introductory course before the program starts on 23 October.
  • The Stanford University team has developed a policy brief entitled Data Tools for the California Bay Area: Actionable Intelligence for Cities to Support SDG Achievement as part of SDSN TReNDS’ Subnational SDG Strategies briefing series and the SDG Local Data Action Solution Initiative.
  • Call for proposals: 2018 Cities and Climate Change Science Conference. SDSN and the other partner organizations of the 2018 Cities and Climate Change Science Conference have announced a call for proposals for sessions and abstracts, due by 16 October (deadline extended).
  • SDSN Switzerland’s discussion paper outlined how to create a transformational and multidisciplinary sustainable development strategy for Switzerland based on scientific knowledge.
  • SDSN Northern Europe started a new Solutions Initiative, the Sustainability Coach Program. The program connects university students with high school students in order to coach young entrepreneurs towards sustainable business ideas for the SDGs.
  • The Columbia Center for Sustainable Investment (CCSI), host of the SDSN’s Thematic Network on the Good Governance of Extractive and Land Resources, launched a blog series entitled “Global and Local Perspectives Regarding Land and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” with the Land Portal Foundation and the Global Land Tool Network. The first blog in the series was authored by Professor Jeffrey Sachs.
  • SDSN Youth were awarded the Young Peacemakers Prize at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum.
  • UCL interviewed SDSN Leadership Council member Professor Mariana Mazzucato, highlighting her collaboration with the SDSN. The UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose will be helping the UN look at the technological road-mapping required to achieve the SDG targets.
  • Videos are now available online from the 2017 SDG Index launch this summer. Learn more about the event, this year’s report, and how the Index can be used to combat “my country first” policies.


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