On Monday 31st August the second meeting of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Shipping and Ports took place and it was organized by SDSN Greece.
In our last meeting, we discussed the steps taken in the shipping and ports sectors in the latest 30 years, the factors mobilising the transition such as the technological innovations and the commitments of the EU especially the top-down approach of policies (EU Emissions Trading System in correlation with the taxes) and the monitoring, data management. In terms of ports role, the discussion focused on the synergies with the shipping companies (especially in relevance with several ships, the cost for preservation etc), on the increase of the risk in the next months and issues of competition and how ports can boost the transition towards Sustainable Shipping. Challenges are focused mainly on the role that the Maritime Spatial Planning should play and the environmental concern of the ports (especially on the monitoring of the ecological footprint), the transition to alternative fuels, short power, technological adoptions and private incentives. Regulations in combination with commitment from top to down as well as financial instruments for the transitions are necessary.
Find more at: http://unsdsn.gr/global-roundtable-for-sustainable-shipping-2