Second project meeting of the ERASMUS+ CATALYST project | ISCTE in Lisbon, Portugal

From the 30th of May until the 1st of June 2023, the second project meeting of the ERASMUS+ CATALYST project took place in the premises of ISCTE in Lisbon, Portugal. AUEB was represented by Ms Lydia Papadaki (Researcher, PhDc at AUEB) and Ms Eleni Toli (Senior researcher). In this meeting, the partners discussed the development and next steps of all WPs, on the second day they participated in the WP3 workshop on “Conceptualization and strategy development of the CoVE” and on the last day they visited the premises of CENTIMFE, the Technological Centre of Portugal for mould making, special tools and plastic industries and a company specialised on mould production, where they discussed synergies with the next steps of the project.

Since March 2023, all CATALYST partners work towards establishing the European CATALYST CoVE and develop tailor-made strategic documents. AUEB is the national coordinator for Greece. All national coordinators should brainstorm potential beneficiaries and objectives for the European CoVE, taking into consideration your national pre-conditions & priorities. The goal of this phase is to identify 70 courses that the CATALYST project will develop and provide in the next 2 years.


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