SIMRA General Assembly

The International Centre for Research on the Environment and the Economy (ICRE8) hosted the 3rdannual General Assembly of the Social Innovation in Marginalized Rural Areas (SIMRA) project in Athens Greece.  The event which lasted from June 10thto 12th, took place on the premises of the ATHENA Research and Innovation Center, and brought together project partners from across Europe.  The EU funded SIMRA projectaims to fill the significant knowledge gap in understanding and enhancing social innovation in marginalised rural areas by advancing the state-of-the-art in social innovation and connected governance mechanisms in agriculture and forestry sectors and in rural development in general.   Social Innovation has been recognised by the European Commission as a means to develop new ideas, services and models to better address social issues; and a key driver for development and growth.  As part of the project, SIMRA will analyse a number of case studies across Europe and the wider Mediterranean region. The ICRE8 team works on the Greek case study, “A Box of Sea” (‘Ένα κουτί θάλασσα), in collaboration with Greenpeace Hellas.

For more information on SIMRA, please visit the EU project website at

For more information on A Box of Sea, please visit the project website at

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