The 2nd annual Solutions Summit is a catalytic gathering that will take place at UN Headquarters in New York on the evening of 21 September 2016 during UN General Assembly week.
The deadline to submit proposals for inclusion in the Solutions Summit is 28 August 2016, so please disseminate widely with your networks (post in your group etc)!
The purpose of the Solutions Summit is two-fold:
1) to lift up exceptional innovators — technologists, engineers, scientists, and others — who are developing solutions that address one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and
2) to catalyze a grassroots effort, where communities scout and convene resources around solution-makers.
Solutions Summit 2016 will highlight projects advancing the objectives of one or more of these upcoming global Summits and Conferences:
UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants – UNHQ NY – September 2016
UN Habitat III Conference – Ecuador – October 2016
UN Climate Change Conference – Morocco – November 2016
Open Government Partnership Global Summit – France – December 2016
Oceans Conference – Fiji – June 2017
The link to submit a project is: