Deep Demonstration on Zero-Net Emissions, Resilient Maritime Hubs: The Port of Piraeus
Start-ups Pitch Day
16th December 2020 (15.00 – 18.00 EET) Online
Digitalisation, climate change, ageing populations and other factors are transforming the environment PPA operates in, creating complexity and uncertainty. In order to respond to future challenges, EIT Climate-KIC brought together an initial multidisciplinary group of local partners in the fields of business, academia, research, civil society (Piraeus Port Authority, ATHENA RC, IOBE, Thalassa Foundation, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, FORTH/PRAXI Network) to collaboratively rework the existing vision, bringing a holistic approach. The Piraeus Port Authority, based on market dynamics and existing requirements, has prioritised 3 focus areas for the sustainability transition of the Port, namely:
- Energy: Energy efficiency and alternative energy sources for ships
- Mobility: Low-carbon mobility and traffic management
- Waste: Waste management and circularity
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