ICRE8 senior researcher and Assistant Manager SDSN Greece Dr. Achilleas Vassilopoulos chaired a session on “Sustainable Development in a changing world” in the International Workshop on “Analytical tools to evaluate the impact of public policies on Sustainable Development Goals”, held on September 27th, 2016, at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Milan headquarter, Italy.
In September 2015, the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations, as the Millennium Development Goals follow-up, defined broader and more ambitious development targets for both developed and developing countries, encompassing all sustainability dimensions (economic, financial, institutional, social and environmental). These goals will be crucial to design the pathway towards an inclusive green growth in each country. Ambitious targets call for ambitious policies and, in parallel, for operational, timely and informative evaluation tools to monitor progresses.
Against this background, the workshop aims to provide an up-to-date overview of the most recent methodological tools and approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of policies toward the achievement of SDGs.
The workshop objective is to blend methodological aspects with policy relevant messages by identifying tools that will help assessing the role and impacts of different policy measures towards sustainability. The picture provided will span from macroeconomic ex-ante model-based policy scenario analysis to the indicator-based assessment of the effect of policies toward sustainability.
Watch the interviews with experts!
Download the workshop agenda: