Symposium on Climate Change at ACG

On Wednesday, April 3, 2019, a half-day Symposium, addressing one of the most challenging issues of our time, was hosted at Deree – The American College of Greece.

The “Symposium on Climate Change: Threats, Challenges, Solutions for Greece” successfully managed to bring together for the first time in private higher education institution, academics and specialists from different fields, politicians, representatives from NGOs and businesses, university students and citizens in an effort to address the ‘hot’ topic of Climate Change. The alarming latest findings on Climate Change were analysed and thoroughly discussed by the distinguished speakers and participants in an effort to present the real dimension of Climate Change and indicate mitigation actions and options.

The Symposium was co-organised as a result of synergies between the Center of Excellence for Sustainability, Office of Public Affairs, at the American College of Greece (ACG), the Deree-ACG Environmental Studies Program, the UNSDSN Greece, the Climate KIC Greece & Affiliated partners, supported by ATHENA Research Centre and under the auspices of the Bank of Greece.

The Symposium included a Scientific Lecture Session, including a lively panel discussion and Q&A session with the audience, and a Gamifying Session with three workshops/games.


This video – part 1 of the Scientific Lecture Session – includes the following:

▪️ Opening Remarks

Claudia Carydis, Vice President, Public Affairs, The American

College of Greece

▪️ “The ACG Perspective: Deree Environmental Studies Program”

Dr. Anastasia Misseyanni, Head Department of Science

and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Environmental Studies

▪️ “Presenting the UNSDSN and Climate-KIC Actions”

Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri, Athens University of Economics

and Business, Visiting Professor at the Centre for Climate

Change Economics and Policy, London School of Economics,

Co-chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Network

– Greece & Director of Climate KIC Greece

▪️ Keynote opening address

Yannis Stournaras, Governor, Bank of Greece

▪️ “The Integration of Climate Change in the Development Strategy

of Greece”

Socrates Famellos, Alternate Minister for Energy and



You can read more about the Symposium on Climate Change here:


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