The 3rd Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue will take place in Athens on December 4-5 2018

3rd Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue

Date(s) – 04/12/2018 – 05/12/2018
9:30 am – 5:00 pm

Hotel Royal Olympic, Athens, Greece

The EIT RawMaterials: 3rd Greek Raw Materials Community Dialoguewill take place in Athens on December 4-5 2018. The event is organized by the ΕΙΤ RawMaterias HUB – Regional Center Greece – (RCGREECE). RCGREECE, which was launched in June 2018, is operated by the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of NTUA, as a member of the EIT RawMaterials Community. The project is funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and EIT RawMaterials (EITRM). The main target of the RCGREECE is to engage and stimulate the Greek Raw Materials Community through actions on multiple directions (technical as well as non-technical), in order to resolve issues and strengthen the overall position of the sector in Greece as well as internationally.

EIT RawMaterials along with the Laboratory of Metallurgy of NTUA, back in in 2016, took the initiative to begin a series of events for the Greek Raw Material Community. The scope of these events is to foster, facilitate and enhance the Greek RawMaterials Community with strategic actions through the support of the EIT RawMaterials (KIC) community and NTUA. These events aim to bring together the industry (large and SME), the governance (national and regional), academia and research institutes of Greece along with executive European organizations of the Raw Materials sector as members of the EIT Raw Materials (KIC) to discuss over the current state in the Greek and EU raw materials sector, address the Knowledge Triangle (academia, research, industry) in political level, present tools and initiatives in EU and Greece that act as facilitators for the sector and examine the innovation needs of the Knowledge Triangle.

The first event in 2016 brought together more than 150 stakeholders in a productive and open dialogue. The clear need for a dialogue on the Raw Materials Sector needs and the invocation by the participants of such actions was a springboard for the organization of the relevant event in 2017, the central aim of which was the announcement of the establishment of Regional Center Greece – RCGREECE.

This year’s third event, EIT RawMaterials: 3rd Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue will take place in Athens on December 4-5 2018.

The first day will be dedicated to the “Challenges – Opportunities – Solutions” for the Greek Raw Materials Sector, with invite speakers from the Greek Authorities, Industry, Academia, as well as the EIT Community.

The second day will be dedicated to a productive dialogue among stakeholders from the Knowledge Triangle and EIT RawMaterials, with panel discussions on three key topics: “Education and Training”, “Innovation” and “SLO/Land Use Planning

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