Within the established partnership between UN SDSN Greece Youth and SAFIA (Student Association for International Affairs), the academic event under the title ” The history and the future of the nuclear program of Iran” is taing place on the 14th of December, 17:00-21:00, at the Deanery of the School of Economics and Political Sciences at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Paparigopoulou Hall (Solonos 57, 3rd floor).
Further on the topic of the event, after the removal from the spheres of influence of Russia and Britain, the autonomous (now) Iran, because of its geopolitical importance and its strategic location remains in the foreground. The main factor, though, which embraced it as one of the “players” in the Middle East is no one else, but its declaration of the beginning in the 50’s and the gradual implementation till now of the nuclear program.
From the mid of the 20th century because of it there have been imposition of sanctions, severance of diplomatic relations and conflicts with the theocratic regime of Iran always targeted by the international stage.
All these lead both the West and the neighboring Arab countries to look on the state of Iran with suspicion. Nevertheless, the threats of the development of the nuclear program on behalf of other countries and the current situation in the Fertile Crescent have made more pertinent than ever now the historical overview of its case. Throughout this procedure, one can understand the variable geometry of international relations and foresee their tenor in terms of the outcome of the nuclear program.
Reserve your spot in our event at: https://goo.gl/forms/dP9Inwa86Z1cQsxD2
You can also find more information on our event page on facebook.
Certifications of attendance will be delivered to all the participants.