The LIFE-IP AdaptInGR project

The LIFE-IP AdaptInGR project

The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation by co-financing projects with European added value.

The integrated project «LIFE-IP AdaptInGR – Boosting the implementation of adaptation policy across Greece» is the most important project for adapting Greece to climate change.

The project aims to catalyse the implementation of the Greek National Adaptation Strategy and of the 13 Regional Adaptation Action Plans at the current 1st adaptation policy cycle (2016-2025) and to prepare the passage to the 2nd adaptation policy cycle (2026+), through appropriate action at national, regional and local levels.

Overview and Objectives

The integrated project «LIFE-IP AdaptInGR – Boosting the implementation of adaptation policy across Greece» is the most important project for adapting Greece to climate change.

The project aims to catalyse the implementation of the Greek National Adaptation Strategy and of the 13 Regional Adaptation Action Plans at the current 1st adaptation policy cycle (2016-2025) and to prepare the passage to the 2nd adaptation policy cycle (2026+), through appropriate action at national, regional and local levels.

It seeks specifically to:

  • build the capacity of public authorities mandated to plan and deliver adaptation actions and policies,
  • create an effective mechanism to monitor, evaluate and update adaptation actions and policies,
  • develop pilot adaptation projects in 3 Regions and 5 Municipalities in priority adaptation sectors (flood risk management, coastal zone management, forest fire protection in drought-prone areas, sustainable water management, land-use planning and regeneration),
  • raise public and stakeholders awareness of climate change adaptation,
  • mobilise complementary European and national funding and other financial sources to implement adaptation policies,
  • disseminate good practice examples across Greece, Eastern Mediterranean and European Union,
  • frame the next adaptation policy cycle (2026+) through evidenced-based evaluations and reviews of the Greek National Adaptation Strategy and of the Regional Adaptation Action Plans.

The project will run for eight years (2019-2026) and has an overall budget of €14.2 million. An €8.3 million of the budget comes from EU funding, €2.4 million from national funding (Green Fund), €3.2 million from partners funding and €0.3 million from private sector co-financers.

Official website

LIFE-IP AdaptInGR – Boosting the implementation of adaptation policy across Greece

Project reference: LIFE17 IPC/GR/000006, 2019-2029

Suporting the implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation Policy in Greece.


Prof. Phoebe Koundouri is part of the Scientific Committee of the Project.

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri has been appointed as the national reviewer of the project.


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