Exciting new consortium dedicated to facilitating Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management in European fisheries has launched!
The SEAwise project has officially launched, with a dynamic new website showcasing its work to create an ecosystem-based management advice tool for fisheries across Europe! Adoption of the Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) approach is considered vital to enable fisheries to enhance their value for the benefit of all stakeholders within the context of environmental change and increasing competition for marine space. However, significant barriers to its uptake remain.
SEAwise is an international research project that is drawing on the insights of a network of fishing industry members, scientists, environmental organisations, and decision makers to develop a comprehensive understanding of the needs and priorities of fisheries stakeholders – and how to fulfil these.
In 2025, SEAwise will deliver a ready-to-use tool that highlights the benefits – or potential trade-offs – of different fisheries management decisions. The tool will be responsive to changes in environmental, ecological, economic, and social factors, providing fisheries stakeholders with consistent and adaptive information that remains relevant well beyond the SEAwise project lifetime.
Further information and updates on the SEAwise work programme are available at www.seawiseproject.org.
You can also follow SEAwise on @SEAwiseproject.
Principal Investigator (PI) is Prof. Koundouri and members of the team are : Prof. George Halkos, Angelos Plataniotis, Dr. Artemis Stratopoulou.