The Nexus Cluster Workshop (March 2018, Athens), co-organized by SDSN Greece

On March 16th 2018, the H2020 ‘Decision Analytic Framework to explore the water-energy-food Nexus in complex transboundary water resources of fast developing countries’ (DAFNE) project, along with the EU-funded sim4nexus project co-hosted the inaugural event of a newly formed cluster of projects focusing on Nexus issues (Water-Energy-Food Nexus; Water-Energy-Land-Food-Climate Nexus,  .  The event, which was held at the Kostis Palamas Building in Athens, was organized in collaboration with United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Greece (UNSDSN-Greece) and the United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS).

The morning focused on presentations on the various case studies undertaken within both projects, followed by an open Q&A and discussion on methodology, some findings at European and global level, and relevance for the regional, national and transboundary cases.  The afternoon session which focused on stakeholder involvement within the projects and the use of various gaming and negotiation tools, was also followed by an open Q&A and discussion session.  Representing the DAFNE project were SDSN Greece co-chair, Prof Phoebe Koundouri (AUEB, ICRE8, ATHENA RC, LSE), Dr Ebun Akinsete (ICRE8), and Prof Jasminko Novak (ETH), with presentations made by Professors Koundouri and Novak.

For more information on the related projects, please see the links below:




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