The seminar series for Ports and Marinas within the framework of the MENA MARITIME ACCELERATOR were completed successfully

The Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), a member company of GROWTH FUND – The National Fund of Greece, announces that the seminar series, designed and implemented from May until October of 2023, in cooperation with the Sustainable Development Unit at “Athena” Research and Innovation Center and the MENA Maritime Accelerator network on sustainable development/ESG issues aiming to upskill Port Organizations, municipal port funds and marina managers from Greece, was completed successfully. The four (4) specialized seminars on sustainable development/ESG issues, adapted and targeted at port infrastructures and addressed to their administrative and operational staff, were implemented as part of the MENA Maritime Accelerator programme[1]. The thematic sections of the seminars were prioritized by the participants themselves through a specialized online survey, the results of which were validated during the MENA Maritime Accelerator introductory workshop. Information for the delivered seminars is presented in the table below.

[1] The goal of the MENA Maritime Accelerator is to accelerate the green transformation of the maritime industry by supporting start-ups that will provide innovative solutions for the transition to Climate Neutrality and Resilience. Founding Members of the program are the Sustainable Development Unit at “Athena” Research and Innovation Center, Chrysalis LEAP, Cyprus Energy Agency, Cyprus University of Technology and Cleantech Bulgaria. Selected start-ups will be eligible to get funding from the ARSINOE H2020 project, the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund and the MENA Maritime Accelerator network of partners. On Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th of June 2023, the Matchmaking event of the MENA Maritime Accelerator took place at Piraeus Port Authority premises in Piraeus, Greece aiming at strengthening the interconnection between ports, marinas and maritime companies from Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Spain and the chosen start-ups, to promote innovative pilot applications. The matchmaking process is also enriched with start-ups relevant to climate resilience for shipping and ports coming from the BRIGAID Connect Association, a research driven incubator, co-lead by ATHENA RC and in which Prof. Phoebe Koundouri is a founding member, that turns innovation ideas into real climate adaptation solutions.

A key component of the successful completion of the seminars was the high-level lecturers who provided a wealth of knowledge and experience. Among the Lecturers were Prof. Vicky Tsoukala (Professor, Director of the Laboratory of Harbour Works, School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens), Prof. Harilaos N. Psaraftis (Professor, Department of Technology, Management and Economics, Operations and Supply Chain Management), Mrs. Efi Korma (Head Of Market Development Department at Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES)), Dr. Thalis Zis (Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce, Finance, and Shipping in the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT)), Mr. George Pechlivanoglou (General Manager of the Eunice group), Mrs Vera Alexandropoulou (Lawyer, MBA, Harvard University, LLM, Law, Heidelberg University, Vice President, Thalassa Foundation), Mr George Kremlis (Chair Bureau Espoo Convention. Chair Greek Initiative UN level on climate & culture, member ESAC, EBRD. Honorary Director European Commission), Mr Alexander Koulidis (Head of Unit C at Directorate of Environmental Licensing in Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy), Mrs. Panagiota Koltsida (Research Associate at ATHENA RC), Mrs. Maria Christantoni (Director of Sustainable Development, ESG and Climate Change, Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF)) and Dr. Conrad Felix Michel Landis (Senior Researcher, ReSEES, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB). The seminars were orchestrated by Ms. Maria Christantoni and Ms Lydia Papadaki (Researcher, ATHENA RC, AUEB).


1st seminar on “Blue Development, Sustainable Shipping & Ports (water and air quality)” Friday 26 May 2023 (13:00 – 15:00)

Location: online

2nd seminar on “Green Energy, Energy Saving, Energy Communities” Thursday 29 June 2023 (12:00 – 14:00)

Location: online

3rd seminar on “The institutional framework of sustainability and circular economy in commercial and tourist ports” Thursday 28 September 2023 (10:00 – 12:00)

Location: online

4th seminar on “Digital transition, Corporate sustainability criteria and Sustainable transformations” Thursday 26 October 2023 (10:00 – 12:00)

Location: online

A workshop scheduled for November 2023 will attempt to establish connections between the existing innovations and the challenges posed by the participating ports. At the end of the MENA Maritime Accelerator programme in December 2023, a Demo Day will be organized, during which the start-ups will showcase their work to industry businesses.

Read the Press Release in Greek here



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