Towards COP 21: Youth Event

On 23rd October 2019, SDSN Greece took part in the meeting “Towards COP 21: Youth Event” in Naples, organized by the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea, in collaboration with the Municipality of Napoli and the Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean of the National Research Council (ISMed/CNR), with the support of UN SDSN Mediterranean. The event is part of the preparatory process towards the 21st Conference of Parties to the Barcelona Convention, that will take place in Naples on 2-5 December 2019.

The main issues related to the future of Mediterranean were introduced by Maria Carmela Giarratano, Director General for Nature and Sea Protection of the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea, Ilias Mavroeidis, from UN Environment/Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP), Desiree Quagliarotti, from ISMed/CNR, and Stefania Toraldo, from SDSN Mediterranean.

As remarked by the Italian Minister of Environment, Land and Sea Sergio Costa during his introductory speech, for the first time, students, researchers and young professionals from Mediterranean countries had the chance to discuss and present their ideas for an integrated and sustainable development of the region. Supported by experts from ISMed/CNR and representatives of UN SDSN, Mediterranean youth defined priorities, challenges and potential solutions that will be presented to the High-Level Segment of COP 21 on 4 December 2019.

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