UCL Economics Conference 2020
November 5:30 PM GMT 19:30 EET
Prof. Phoebe Koundouri gave a keynote speech on “Sustainability Transition: A European Perspective SDGs, European Green Deal, EU MFF, Recovery & Resilience Plan – Job Creation and Just Transition” at the UCL Economics Conference 2020 held at University College
London, London’s global university.
Professor Koundouri traced the history of various climate policies and deals and the emphasised on the need for aggressive de-carbonisation to keep temperature increases below +1.5 C. She highlighted the importance of mobilising Green New Deals across the world while acknowledging that capacity building for a “just transition” was also an important step. Further, she reiterated the need to transition to a circular economy, that would help create jobs in clean energy innovation, energy efficiency and renewables while optimising waste management and reducing carbon emissions.
Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/TheEconomistsSociety/
Watch the speech of Prof. Koundouri at: (9) Phoebe Koundouri on Sustainability Transition: UCL Economics Conference 2020 – YouTube
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