UN SDSN Greece co organises the Climate Change Symposium

The symposium aims at offering the participants – and primarily students from both public and private educational tertiary institutions – the opportunity to be exposed to the views and practical ideas of renowned and inspiring professionals from business, NGOs and the academia. The Symposium will include a panel discussion with an interactive Q&A session, workshops, an open to the public photo contest and an exhibition of Deree student projects.

Speakers include Governor Yannis Stournaras as the keynote speaker, Socrates Famellos, Alternate Minister for Energy and Environment, Prof. Dimitris Lalas, University of Athens, Prof. Manolis Pleionis, Director and President of the Board of Directors of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Nikos Charalambidis, Executive Director of Greenpeace Greece, Dr. Andreas Papandreou, Professor of Environmental Economics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens & UN SDSN Co-Chair, Dr. Phoebe Koundouri, Athens University of Economics & Business, Climate KIC Director & UN SDSN Co-Chair, Dr. Anastasia Misseyanni, Head Department of Science and Mathematics & Associate Professor of Environmental Studies at Deree, and Dr. Michael Valahas, Director ACG Center of Excellence for Sustainability.

Together we can be part of the solution.
The Symposium is organized by ACG Center of Excellence for Sustainability, Deree Environmental Studies Program, UNSDSN, Climate KIC & Affiliated partners, ATHENA Research and Innovation Center,

Under the Auspices of the Bank of Greece

Communication Sponsor KATHIMERINI

Please click the blue arrow below to see the Program and the Poster of the Climate Change Symposium

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