United Nations General Assembly | side events

Our team actively participated in the United Nations General Assembly from September 18 to 22, taking part in several exciting side events:

UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub: Professor Koundouri was delighted to participate in the Second Systemic Innovation Workshop on September 18-19. Learn more


11th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD2023), held from September 18 to 20. On Tuesday, September 19, from 12:00 to 14:00 EST, Professor Koundouri moderated a session titled “Data, knowledge, and technology to combat the climate crisis.” This session aimed to highlight research papers showcasing how comprehensive data, knowledge, and technologies from various domains can be harnessed to create tailored action plans and viable solutions for individual countries. Learn more


From September 20th to 21st, took place the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Networks Chairs meeting and the Leadership Council meeting. Professor Koundouri presented the work of the SDSN Global Climate Hub, including the report on decarbonization pathways for EU-27 and Balkan countries, which is scheduled to launch at COP28. The presentation also covered the Digital Skills project. Learn more about the SDSN Global Climate Hub here


SustainChain™ Day on September 28, which focused on “Action Ready: A US Coalition on Sustainability.” Professor Koundouri had the honor of speaking at this event and expressed excitement and commitment to having the team, projects, and initiatives of the Alliance of Excellence for Research and Innovation on Aephoria (AE4RIA) actively using the SustainChain platform.

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