Webinar 18 Feb: The Future Europe Wants: A Green and Digital, Job-Based and Inclusive Recovery

18 February, 14h — 16h CET

Recognizing the global sustainability challenges, European Union leaders have adopted the European Green Deal with wide-ranging goals for a climate-neutral, resource-efficient, technologically advanced, and socially equitable continent. They have also decided to integrate the UN Member States’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the European Semester, which is the major process for the coordination of national economic and employment policies in the EU, thereby deciding to “put people and the planet at the center of EU economic policy”. In addition to these decisions made in 2019 and early 2020, EU leaders responded to the immense health, environmental, and economic challenges posed by the pandemic with a strong “Next Generation EU” package of policies and funds to boost economic recovery while pursuing Europe’s green transition.
In an attempt to connect the dots between these four major policy initiatives – the SDGs, the European Green Deal, the European Semester, and the EU recovery plan – the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Europe (SDSN Europe) has produced a new report, Transformations for the Joint Implementation of Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal: A Green and Digital, Job-Based and Inclusive Recovery from COVID-19 Pandemic, to support policymakers with actionable strategies that can guide EU-wide and national economic recovery in line with the continent’s overarching sustainability agenda. This webinar will present key recommendations and findings from the report as well as give an overview of the scope and mission of SDSN Europe.


Confirmed speakers:


  • Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, President of SDSN and EU Senior Working Group
  • Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, Co-Chair of SDSN Europe, EU Senior Working Group Chair
  • Martha McPherson, Head of Green Economy and Sustainable Growth at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)
  • Carlo Papa, Managing Director, Enel Foundation
  • Theodoros Zachariadis, SDSN Europe Manager and Associate Professor at the Energy, Environment and Water Research Centre of the Cyprus Institute
  • Adolph Kloke-Lesch, Co-Chair of SDSN Europe, Executive Director of SDSN Germany
  • Prof. Angelo Riccaboni, Co-Chair of SDSN Europe, SDSN Mediterranean Chair

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