On the 31st of January, Prof. Koundouri gave a speech about the (ERC) Water Futures project and its potential contribution to support European policies on water scarcity and adopt a nexus approach in the discussion with the topic: Water Scarcity and the nexus in European policy which was introduced by Dagmar Kaljarikova Behrendt (European Commission, DG ENV) and moderated by Prof. Chrysi Laspidou at the Webinar: ‘Nexus research for improved policy support: water scarcity in Europe’.
The Webinar was organized by Nexus Project Cluster and COST Action NEXUSNET and facilitated by UNU-FLORES.
Background of the Event:
The Nexus Project Cluster (NPC), initiated in 2018, is a group of independent research initiatives that team up to increase communication and dissemination of the Nexus to create a more significant impact. Activities of the Cluster are related to water, energy, food, land, and climate. They also address critical societal challenges like public health and rural-urban development.
COST Action NEXUSNET is an international network of researchers collaborating with universities, research institutions, policymakers, and the business sector. They aim to increase understanding of how the water-energy-food Nexus fosters policy coherence and biophysical interactions in the domains of water, energy and food, supporting the transition towards a circular and low-carbon economy in Europe. The network focuses on job creation, enhancing wellbeing, establishing broad synergies, and caring for the environment.
UNU-FLORES is part of the NPC and the COST Action NEXUSNET, with Dr Floor Brouwer as Chair of the NPC and Vice-Chair of the COST Action NEXUSNET, and Dr Serena Caucci as member of the Steering Committee and leader of NEXUSNET Working Group 6 (WG6) on Stakeholder Engagement. Zeynep Ozkul from UNU-FLORES is also actively participating in the activities organised by the NPC and the WG6 COST Action NEXUSNET.
This event is part of a three-part event series facilitated by UNU-FLORES.
Learn more here.