World Food Day Global Seminar – Countdown to 2030

October 16, 1945, was the founding date of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Every year on this day, people around the globe gather to honor this important milestone as World Food Day and to rededicate ourselves to the international campaign underway to achieve, by 2030, the sustainable development goal of Zero Hunger.

Join us for a World Food Day 2020 virtual conference featuring presentations on global food topics including hunger relief, regenerative agriculture and sustainable development, food security and safety, impacts of climate change, and more. The goal is to deepen our personal and collective determination to defeat hunger.

Hear from heads of international organizations, companies, and trade associations who provide significant leadership in our global food system. We will also celebrate the launch of MBOLD, a coalition that leverages Minnesota’s unique concentration of food and agriculture leadership in addressing global challenges facing the food and agriculture sectors.

Presenters include Hon. David Beasley, Executive Director, United Nations World Food ProgrammeDr. Jeffrey Sachs, Founder and Director, United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network; and more.

Speakers and Presenters

Conference Agenda


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