Stamatis KALOGIROU is a former Assistant Professor in Applied Spatial Analysis, Department of Geography, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece. He completed his MSc in GIS at the University of Leicester, UK and his PhD at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK where he investigated internal migration in England and Wales. Stamatis has over twenty years of experience in computer programming and Geographical Information Systems and over fifteen years of experience in academic teaching, scientific research, data analysis and statistical programming. He supports the open source initiative and he prepares for the 3rd industrial revolution / industry 4.0. His research interests are interdisciplinary and include among others (spatial) data analysis; geostatistics; migration; population ageing; spatial inequalities; human poverty and geocomputation applications. He is interested in the Data Analytics / Business Intelligence industry.
Kalogirou Stamatis
Position: Assistant Professor, Harokopio University

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