On December 13th, Dr. Theofanis Zacharatos, researcher at the Sustainable Development Unit of the ΑΤΗΕΝΑ Research Center and team member of AE4RIA, had the pleasure of participating as a speaker in a discussion organized by the GNOMI newspaper in Patras. The focus of the discussion was on the primary sector and its relationship with climat
e change. Alongside distinguished colleagues, Dr. Zacharatos highlighted various aspects of this critical issue.
In his speech, Dr. Zacharatos addressed the role of primary production and other stages of the food supply chain in contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. He also provided an in-depth examination of the food waste problem and stressed the significant role that consumers play in exacerbating this issue.
Furthermore, Dr. Zacharatos took the opportunity to discuss the FABLE initiative (Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-Use, and Energy), which is led in Greece by the AE4RIA – Alliance of Excellence for Research and Innovation on Αephoria network. Under the scientific guidance of Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, the initiative aims to enhance local capacity for modeling complex agri-food and land-use systems.