The official launch of the new ESG UNLOCKED event series! The ESG In Action team of ACEO, led by Ms. Valeria Tsamis, organised a dynamic webinar featuring speaker Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri, Director of AE4RIA, who analysed the sustainability strategy and the need for transformation in every company to achieve the 17 goals and 169 sub-goals by 2050.
As Ms. Kountouri emphasised, “the policy framework of these goals is critical to achieve, as it is in the interest of and essential for the profitability of every company and the only way to emerge from the crisis,” adding, “and these goals are completely defined and measurable.”
In the discussion that followed, the Chairman of the Board of ACEO, Mr. Yannis Papachristou, highlighted the importance of these goals for the vision of CEOs.
The event was coordinated by Ms. Tsami and Mr. Dionissis Boudouvas, a member of the ACEO ESG in Action team.