ICOPEC 2021: 12th International Conference on Political Economy

ICOPEC 2021: Impacts of COVID-19 on Societies and Economies

24th – 26th June 2021



on 24/6/21, Prof. Koundouri gave a speech on “Sustainable recovery from COVID-19: Co-Designing the Pathways via Research-Innovation-Policy Interface” at the 12th International  Conference on Political Economy (ICOPEC). She is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference.


This online conference was scheduled to take place on 24th – 26th June 2021 via Zoom Platform. The main theme and scope of the conference have been identified as Impacts of COVID-19 on Societies and Economies. This conference aimed to identify how the COVID-19 experience will change many economic and social dynamics and what can be done for a better World. Apart from its main theme, ICOPEC 2021 invited and welcomed all contributions that enrich the perspectives of the Political Economy and expand the ground for better policy analyses and making. For indicative presentation topics, see: http://www.icopec.org/call-for-papers/.

ICOPEC 2021 organized by Panteion University, Westminster University, VUZF University, Georgian Technical University, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Kinnaird College for Women, University of Belgrade, Ankara University Political Science Faculty, Ostrava Technical University, Pontifical Catholic University, Batman University, Celal Bayar University, Greek Political Economy Association, Piedmont Institute for Social and Economic Research, Okan University, and IJOPEC Publishing.

Learn more here.

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