Christos S. Zerefos is Secretary General, Academy of Athens; Climate Envoy for Greece; Head, Research Centre for Atmospheric Physics and Climatology, Academy of Athens; Professor Emeritus Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, University of Athens. Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the Universities of Athens, Thessaloniki, Visiting Professor, Universities of Minnesota and Boston. Samarbeidspartnere (Scientific Collaborator), University of Oslo. He has been known for his research in ozone, UV, ozone-climate interactions and climate extreme events. His research led to important contributions to international agreements such as the Montreal Protocol. State Representative for Climate Change. Member, Academy of Athens, Academia Europaea, Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters, European Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and other distinguished scientific societies. Ηas received prestigious awards such as the Global Ozone Award, UNEP, on the 10th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol (1997), the Blaise Pascal Medal, European Academy of Sciences (2015), the Yoram Kaufman Award of the American Geophysical Union (2015), Editors Award for Excellence in Refereeing, American Geophysical Union (1998), UNEP Honourable Mentions (2013, 1999, 1995), the Order of Honour from the President of the Hellenic Republic (2020), the French Government Decoration “Commandeur dans l’ordre de Palmes académiques” (2015), “Honorary Member” of the International Ozone Commission (2016), Award Certificate and Letter from UNEP and from IPCC for his substantial contribution to the reports of IPCC[1][2][3], which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with the former Vice President of USA, Al Gore (2008), Award and “Ioan Ursu” Medal of the Balkan Physical Union (2015, 2018), the “European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award” awarded to the National Observatory of Athens for the establishment of the Geoastrophysics Museum and the rehabilitation of the buildings, the laboratories and the astronomical Library under his supervision (2010), Gold Medal of the Municipality of Thessaloniki (2008), Medal of the City of Athens (2010) and several Honorary Doctorate Degrees. In the past 30 years has acted as author, contributor, or reviewer in almost all WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessments of Ozone Depletion. Has been working in the fields of atmospheric sciences and climatology for the past 45 years. His research positions include: Postdoc, Advanced Study Programme at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA; the National Hellenic Research Foundation; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA; the University of Oslo; the Laboratories of Atmospheric Physics, Universities of Athens and Thessaloniki, Greece; the National Observatory, Athens; the Academy of Athens. Participated in more than 90 research projects (60 of which from EU, WMO and US). Has participated in prestigious research committees and international commissions e.g. Member of EU Advisory Groups for DGXII; Member of the WMO AD HOC Scientific Steering Committee on UV Monitoring and the WMO AD HOC Scientific Steering Committee on Ozone (Ozone-SAG); Member of the ENRICH Council of the European Union; Member of the WMO Executive Council Panel of Experts/CAS Working Group on Environmental Pollution and Atmospheric Chemistry; Member of EU (EC) Stratospheric Science Panel which organized all European Arctic stratospheric ozone experiments, among other large projects. Has served as Secretary and President of the International Ozone Commission and elected Honorary Member of IO3C.
Christos Zerefos
Position: Emeritus Professor ; Secretary General, Academy of Athens

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