Guanche García Raúl

Position: Dr., University of Cantabria

He is Dr. in Civil Engineering, head of the Offshore Engineering and Marine Energies research group at the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the Universidad de Cantabria. He has developed an intense research career, as well as promoted and facilitated the transfer of knowledge and technology through the development of public-private partnership projects in the fields of offshore engineering and renewable energies in the marine environment. His research activity combines basic and applied research. With more than 55 publications, of which 25 are in Q1 journals, he has participated in numerous first level congresses such as OMAE. He has directed and/or participated in 7 European projects, as well as in 20 national projects of the RETOS or INNPACTO type. He has also participated and/or directed more than 30 technology transfer projects for companies and national and international administrations.

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