
Ioannou Alexandra

Position: PhD in Methods for modelling the Water – Energy – Food Nexus

E-mail: alexandra.e.ioannou@gmail.com

Dr. Alexandra Ioannou is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Thessaly. Her PhD dissertation title is “ Methods for modeling the Water – Energy – Food Nexus and other environmental systems towards resilience and sustainability”. She also holds a B.SC and an M.Sc in Mathematics. Her scientific interests extend to System Dynamics Modelling, Resilience and Sensitivity analysis, Water-Energy-Food Nexus analysis under climate change, Data Analytics, and Clustering Analysis using Self-Organizing Maps. Since 2016, she works as a researcher in EU research projects: Sim4Nexus, Water4Cities, NanoSWS, Smarten and ARSINOE with principal investigator/coordinator Prof. Chrysi Laspidou. She has also gained work experience as a Marie Curie fellow in the informatics company IQUADRAT in Barcelona, Spain. In May 2020 she participated in the worldwide EUvsVirus Hackathon with an international team of 15 scientists and won the first prize at one of the six domains with the solution “Sewers4COVID”.

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