Ludwig Ralf

Position: Professor , Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich

Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig is Professor in Applied Physical Geography and Environmental Modeling at LMU’s Department of Geography. His research is focused on process-based and spatially distributed hydrological modeling at the catchment scale. He applies data assimilation techniques and model integration for water resources, land use and climate change impact assessment from Mediterranean to subarctic environments, with a particular interest on the cause and dynamics of extreme (compound) events. Recent works further include an integrated perspective on energy system and environment interactions, as well as the development of climate resilient regions. At LMU, he is the spokesperson for the Open Science Center and spokesperson for the Sustainability Steering Board. In his international research activities, he has or does co-ordinate or contribute to several EU-projects (e.g. CLIMB, CLIWASEC, GLOBAQUA, ARSINOE). He is chair of the Collaborative Program “Changes in the Hydrological Cycle” of the European Climate Research Alliance (ECRA), deputy chair of the Helmholtz research school MICMoR (“Mechanisms and Interactions of Climate Change in Mountain Regions”) and Spokesperson of the Albertan-Bavarian Energy-Environment research network ABBY-Net. He is coordinating many national and international climate change oriented research activities with partners in Europe, the Mediterranean and North America for more than a decade, and regularly co-supervises PhD-projects within his international academic network. He is an Adjunct Professor with the Université Laval (Québec) and the University of Alberta and a member of the Canadian Centre of Excellence ArcticNet. He has led or participated to numerous international course programs on various academic levels, field schools and summer school across Europe, in Northern Africa, Central America and Canada

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