Mimis Stelios

Position: PhD Candidate

E-mail: steliosmimis@gmail.com

Mr Stylianos Mimis is an environmental engineer, holding an MSc degree (2006) in Agriculture and Environment, Department of Environment, University of the Aegean. He is also a PhD candidate in the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania. Since 2014, he is a research associate at the Department of Civil Engineering of University of Thessaly (UTH). Currently, he is the administrative manager of the EU projects: ARSINOE (2021-2025), NEXOGENESIS (2021-2025), MAGO (2021-2024), SMARTEN (2021-2023) and LOTUS (2019-2023). He has participated in several national and EU projects, such as ISS-EWATUS, LAKEREMAKE, SIM4NEXUS, Water4Cities. Mr Mimis has also gained work experience as a Marie Curie fellow in the urban planning company LUZ in Ljubljana, Slovenia and in the informatics company iQuadrat in Barcelona, Spain.

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