Networking Event of Initiatives and Projects for Adaptation to Climate Change

On Wednesday, June 12, took place the “Networking Event of Initiatives and Projects for Adaptation to Climate Change,” in the framework of the LIFE-IP AdaptInGR project, organized by the Green Fund in collaboration with the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency Greece (NECCA – ΟΦΥΠΕΚΑ). The event aimed to strengthen networking and cooperation between ongoing projects and initiatives for Greece’s adaptation to climate change.

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri during her speech, highlighted the work at AE4RIA – Alliance of Excellence for Research and Innovation on Αephoria, which involves interdisciplinary projects to promote sustainability through innovation and effective science-policy interaction. As one of the largest research networks in sustainable development, the projects and initiatives focus on creating practical solutions for climate adaptation and fostering collaboration across various sectors to drive impactful change.

Some of our EU research projects focused on climate adaptation include Pathways2Resilience: Co-developing pathways towards climate-resilient regions in Europe, MAIA Resilience EU: Maximizing impact and accessibility of European climate research, MULTICLIMACT Project: Multi-faceted climate adaptation actions to improve resilience, preparedness, and responsiveness of the built environment against multiple hazards at multiple scales. Climate Impetus: Dynamic information man agement approach for the implementation of climate-resilient adaptation packages in European regions, ARSINOE_EU: Climate-resilient regions through systemic solutions and innovations.

Additionally, I referred to the UN SDSN Global Climate Hub report (launched at COP28), “Modeling Net-Zero Pathways” which provides net-zero strategies for each country in the EU-27, the UK, and the Balkans and it will now extend to decarbonization pathways in the energy sector for selected countries in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region (to be launched at COP29).

Learn more about the activities of  AE4RIA network in our activity reports ➡️2022  ➡️2023

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