Press Release of the Third Sustainability Summit – October 2019

Press Release by  UN SDSN Greece and EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece

Representatives of government, academia, public and private sector from all over the world gathered in Athens for the Third Sustainability Summit for south-east Mediterranean, organized by The Economist Events and UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Greece, in association with EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece, UN SDSN Mediterranean, and UN SDSN Black Sea.

Hosting network: UN SDSN Greece

The Economist Events and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Greece, co-chaired by Professor Phoebe Koundouri and Professor Andreas Papandreou, in association with EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece, directed by Professor Koundouri, UN SDSN Black Sea and UN SDSN Mediterranean, organized the Third Sustainability Summit for south-east Mediterranean. Over the years, the Summit has become a seminal platform for sustainability discourse at regional level, with its mobilization of resources and the participation of innovators, scholars, policy makers and civil society to lead sustainability transition.

Read more at the attached report!

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