On Wednesday, September 25, 2024, the stakeholders’ workshop with the title: “Towards the ARCHE SRIA” was held in Florence, Italy. The workshop was organised by the Institute for Heritage Science of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) within the framework of the Horizon Europe-funded ARCHE project (Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe), the preparatory project for the European Partnership for Resilient Cultural Heritage (RCH).
The event aimed at presenting the preliminary findings of the new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). This SRIA is a roadmap with research priorities that will form the basis for joint transnational activities expected to start in 2026, within the RCH Partnership.
Ms. Lydia Papadaki (Researcher, Athena Research Center, Resees, Research Laboratory AUEB) participated in the cross-cutting themes panel and presented the SDSN Global Climate Hub, its pillars, and research approaches for evaluating cultural heritage using non-market valuation and participatory approaches.
Eva Stegmeijer (Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands) and Terje Birkrem Hovland (Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment) co-chaired the panel, which was complemented by Dr. Lucilla Spini (CNR-Institute for Heritage Science) and a representative from the Museo Galileo.