Water Scarcity Outreach Activities – ITALY


#H2Oro data on water provision in south Italy in the period 2015-2018 is alarming:


  • Statistics show that in Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia the ratio of families unsatisfied with #waterservices, including service interruptions, water’s pressure, clarity, smell and taste is much higher than those satisfied compared to regional and national average
  • Calabria is the region with the higher ratio of families (31,2%) unsatisfied with water distribution because of the service inefficiency
  • In 2018, 12 major cities in South Italy had to implement #rationing measures in water distribution.
  • In 2018 about 44.000 liters of water have been leaked each day along the distribution networks. In 7 South Italy cities, daily loss reach up to 100.000 liters per day

Source: Istat Statistics


To know more about this topic, join the free webinar (in Italian) on December 21st and follow #H2ORO contents on social media.



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